In dire peril for an interesting photo

May 1986
(Per VIc:"It was taken at the "sulfa tara" near Pozzuoli, Italy. Amy can provide the correct spellings. The area is sort of West or west north west of Napoli. It was the trip we camped out a bit. We came down through Switzerland and went through Zurich and headed southward and camped out. This was further east than we normally went through Switzerland and it may well have been on this trip that we saw Lichestenstein as well. We stayed in the cabin at thecampground with the peacock screaming for "HELP" outside of Rome and saw the Vatican, Collesium, old roman senate and ruins etc. When we went further south we saw Pompei and also visited Sorrento and caught the hydrofoil to the Isle of Capri where there was the chairlift to the top of the mountain and we also took the bus around the island and saw the Blue Grotto. We camped in an Armed Forces Recreation area in an old volcano near Naples and took this trip to the "sulfa tara" and later drove the coast road north past Gaeta and other places. I cannot remember if this was also the Pisa trip where we saw the leaning tower and stayed in the Rec area near Livorno at Camp Darby, swam in the Mediterranean and saw one of the Chevy Chase "Fletch" movies at the camp theater. We passed through Switzerland on our way back north and went over St Bernard Pass, stopping at the hospice on top and saw the dogs etc. That night we stayed in a campground near Burgdorf, Switzerland. That day Nathan got something in his eye and I had to take him to a local hospital where a nice Dutch doctor was able to help him.This was definitely during our second time in Belgium. It was definitely after I conducted the first NATO Frequency Management Training Course in May 1986 because that work trip had already given me some familiarity with the Rome/Latina area previously and helped me feel a bit more comfortable in terms of getting around and driving on our vacation trip than if I had never been there before. It was also after our trip to Portugal because I got my gray leather jacket in Portugal and wore it to Italy when I conducted the NATO course as I distinctly remember having to backtrack a couple blocks in Rome on my way to the Vatican Museum to find the leather strap that fell off of that jacket. I keep wanting to say the the picture was taken summer of 1986 but the slides of us on Capri are dated July 1987. It is possible the film sat undeveloped for a good while -- I just don't know. If necessary I can try to find and examine more original slides and their dates but perhaps some of you were keeping journals or something and can help confirm the year based on something I said. Maybe we went to Normandy and the French Coast with the Adams Family in the Spring of 1986. And, If we went to Portugal the Spring of 1987 then Italy in Summer 1987 would make sense. I know we went to Denmark in the summer some time after the Normandy Trip with the Adams family as that is when I think the valve went on our Audi and I had it fixed immediately before the Denmark trip. So a 1986 summer Denmark trip makes Portugal and Italy in 1987 more likely. There was another major spring trip we took south through France to the French Riveria and went into Monoco and Italy trying to outrun the rain. We finally turned North in Italy to Switzerland and went through (probably)the St Bernard Tunnel. It was snowing and we stayed on the north side of the tunnel and later headed to Germany and stayed at either Rhein Main or Ramstein enroute back to Belgium. I am pretty sure this latter trip was in the Spring of 1988 before the two week second NATO course I conducted in May 1988. Not sure if any of this helps -- but maybe.")